Topiary – An Exquisite Dining Experience in Tea Tree Gully

Nestled in the beautiful surroundings of Tea Tree Gully, Topiary stands as one of Adelaide’s hidden culinary treasures. With its warm ambiance, friendly staff, and a menu filled with quality food, Topiary offers an exquisite dining experience that captivates the senses. From its picturesque setting to the innovative dishes, Topiary is a destination that showcases the best of Adelaide’s culinary delights.

1. Ambiance and Warm Welcome: Upon stepping into Topiary, one is immediately enveloped by a beautiful and well-maintained restaurant. The attentive and friendly staff make every visitor feel welcome, creating a delightful dining atmosphere. With its leafy garden setting and proximity to Newman’s Nursery, Topiary offers a relaxing and enchanting backdrop for a memorable meal.

2. Culinary Delights: Topiary’s menu is a treasure trove of culinary delights. Starting your meal with their house-made sourdough, accompanied by unique spreads like cultured butter with pork crackling and pepita butter with lemon salt, sets the stage for a delightful dining experience. Each dish is a work of art, meticulously prepared and thoughtfully presented.

3. Innovative Creations: The kitchen team at Topiary displays their culinary prowess through innovative dishes that showcase the flavors of the season. Whether it’s the delicate Southern Calamari served with crunchy slices of green beans and foraged greens or the Beef Carpaccio paired with purple congo potato chips and fresh radish, each dish is a harmonious symphony of flavors and textures. A reviewer shares their experience, “The food was exceptional, every single dish was beautiful to look at and even better to eat.”

4. Local Support and Community: Topiary’s commitment to supporting local businesses is evident in their beverage list, which features nearby brands impacted by the pandemic and the December 2019 Cuddle Creek fires. By showcasing these products, Topiary demonstrates its dedication to the community and the resilience of the local industry.

5. Chef’s Signature Style: Though the owner and chef, Pollard, has taken on a new role elsewhere, his presence and signature style can still be felt in Topiary’s dishes. The talented kitchen team, led by chef Alex Payne, executes each dish with precision and skill, ensuring that the culinary experience remains exceptional. A reviewer acknowledges the team’s talent, stating, “His presence and signature style can still be felt as his kitchen team successfully execute each of his dishes”

6. Unforgettable Desserts: Topiary’s dessert menu is a sweet finale to the dining experience. With unique creations like the ‘Fallen Leaves’ cheesecake, featuring the last of the year’s strawberries prepared as fruit leather atop a dome of cheesecake filling, Topiary once again showcases its attention to detail and artistic presentation. A satisfied diner shares their experience, “A dome of cheesecake filling encases a strawberry centre, and it transports me back to last winter’s DIY dinner as I greedily scraped the last of the strawberry filling combined with a toasty granola crumble, savouring the final bite of this sensational stroll.”